How to Treat Fistula in Ano Without Surgery

Fistula in ano is among the most common and debilitating conditions that afflict many. This condition typically begins as a complication of an anal abscess, creating an unnatural tunnel between the anal canal and the skin. While existing treatment procedures are generally surgical, there are effective alternatives for fistula in ano treatment without surgery in New Delhi , especially laser treatment. This non-surgical approach can significantly reduce recovery time and complications, offering patients a viable solution for relief. Knowing about Fistula in Ano It will be helpful to define what a fistula in ano is before discussing the options of non-surgical treatments. This condition may cause discomfort, recurrent infections, and can be painful. The symptoms may include: Anal pain persisting: This usually tends to continue to be painful and thus will really impact on daily life. Lumps around the anus: This usually represents swelling or an infection and therefore requires promp...